Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

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  • Gopichandana/Gopi Chandan


    Gopichandana/Gopi Chandan

    The auspicious Gopichandana/Gopi Chandan is used to apply as Tilak on the forehead.

    The significance of application is to cool the mind and get rid of the negative vibes or dark forces. It acts as a Raksha to one self.

    Get pure Gopichandana and give a divine glow on your face to attract all the positive vibrations to awaken the chakras inside you.

    Get ordering!

    NOTE : Comes in a pack of  250g each

  • Akshata/Akkikalu/Mantrakshate(Red)

    Akshata/Akkikalu/Mantrakshate(Red) is offered to God in every Pooja, aarati also in Marriages, Upanayanaand all the Homa & Havanas.
    The word Akshata has been derived from a Sanskrit word ‘Akshat’ meaning ‘whole’. Akshata has the ability to retain shakti & chaitanya of the pooja ritual & the positive vibrations of the respective pooja, Mantra, tantra or other Vedic chantings.
    There are two types of Akshata-White & Red. White is used for Lord Vishnu & Eeshwara who are the saviors, while Red is used for Lord Ganapati & all other deities as it is having destroyer energy needed for cutting off negative vibrations.
    Akshata is always prepared with whole grains not the broken ones.
    Flora Foods is preparing this Red Akshata with good quality Raw Rice with Ghee, Kunkuma & Arishina.
    Order Red Akshata for all the auspicious days or make your every day auspicious with This.

    Note:Comes in pack of 500gms

  • Arishina Beru/Dried Turmeric Root


    Arishina Beru/Dried Turmeric Root is used for various purposes in Hindu house holds.

    It is used for Marada Baagina/Oti(Tambool) with Mara, for simple Udi/Oti. Also for specific Poojas like Satyanarayana pooja, for Matru Bhiksha to Vatu in Munjive etc.

    Get ordering!

    NOTE : Comes in a pack of  100g each.

  • Shrirangam Janivara(Yajnopaveeta)Janeu -Set of 2(6Ply)


    Shrirangam Janivara(Yajnopaveeta) is a sacred thread worn in Upanayana or Munjvi. Usually worn by Brahmins, Vaishyas and Kshatriyas. It is a significance of the spiritual maturity that is made worn by the boys of 6-8yrs and above with the ritual of Upanayana. It also signifies the second spiritual birth of the Vatu (DWIJA)

    It comes in 2 types – 1. 3ply Janivara, 2. 6ply Janivara.

    3 Ply Janivara is worn by Brahmachari’s(Bachelors)and 6 Ply is worn in the marriage.

    Flora Foods is giving Shrirangam Janivara(Yajnopaveeta) specially available at Shrirangam in Tamilnadu.

    In Tamilnadu there are nearly 40,000 Temples for Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Iyengars/Vaishnavas traditionally worship 108 important Temples of Vishnu (namely Divya Desams) of which Srirangam Temple is the first. 

  • SAMPLE-Cold Pressed Kusubi(Safflower)Oil Avalakki(Yellow)/Flattened Rice/Kacchi Ghani Pohe Ka Chewda-50g


    Gaanada Yenne(Wooden Cold Pressed Oil)  is the Purest Oil used for making Avalakki or Flattened rice. The product becomes premium with the 100% pure oil. The wooden cold pressed Safflower oil is used for the same. Flora Foods is aware of the importance of purity so also launching it’s  such products. Many are unaware or unfamiliar of the taste of Purity so, get used to it starting with Avalakki’s.

    Wooden cold pressed oil has one solution to all the ailments. 

    Safflower Oil is healthy source of fatty acids, good for Skin health, lowers Cholesterol, Fights inflammation & many more.

    Hence, taste the Old product with new premium touch.

    Buy the Sample at just Rs.45/- .

    Comes in the pouch of 50g.

  • SAMPLE-Cold Pressed Ground nut Oil Avalakki(Red)/Flattened Rice/Kacchi Ghani Pohe Ka Chewda-50g


    Gaanada Yenne(Wooden Cold Pressed Oil)  is the Purest Oil used for making Avalakki or Flattened rice. The product becomes premium with the 100% pure oil. The Wooden cold pressed Groundnut oil is used for the same. Flora Foods is aware of the importance of purity so also launching it’s first such product. Many are unaware or unfamiliar of the taste of Purity.

    Wooden cold pressed oil has one solution to all the ailments. 

    Hence, taste the Old product with new premium touch.

    Buy the Sample at just Rs.45/- .

    Comes in the pouch of 50g.

  • SAMPLE-Cold Pressed Ground nut Oil Avalakki (Yellow)/Flattened Rice/Kacchi Ghani Pohe Ka Chewda-50g


    Gaanada Yenne(Wooden Cold Pressed Oil)  is the Purest Oil used for making Avalakki or Flattened rice. The product becomes premium with the 100% pure oil. The wooden cold pressed Groundnut oil is used for the same. Flora Foods is aware of the importance of purity so also launching it’s first such product. Many are unaware or unfamiliar of the taste of Purity.

    Wooden cold pressed oil has one solution to all the ailments. 

    Hence, taste the Old product with new premium touch.

    Buy the Sample at just Rs.45/- .

    Comes in the pouch of 50g.

  • SAMPLE-Cold Pressed Kusubi(Safflower) Oil Avalakki(Red)/Flattened Rice/Kacchi Ghani Pohe Ka Chewda-50g


    Gaanada Yenne(Wooden Cold Pressed Oil)  is the Purest Oil used for making Avalakki or Flattened rice. The product becomes premium with the 100% pure oil. The Wooden cold pressed Safflower oil is used for the same. Flora Foods is aware of the importance of purity so also launching it’s  such products. Many are unaware or unfamiliar of the taste of Purity so, get used to it starting with Avalakki’s.

    Wooden cold pressed oil has one solution to all the ailments. 

    Safflower Oil is healthy source of fatty acids, good for Skin health, lowers Cholesterol, Fights inflammation & many more.

    Hence, taste the Old product with new premium touch.

    Buy the Sample at just Rs.45/- .

    Comes in the pouch of 50g.

  • Flora Devara Vastra Cotton(Red)


    Flora Devara Vastra Cotton(Red)

    For daily Pooja, Devara Vastra is needed in the first place to clean the alter/pooja stage/mantap. Then start the pooja.

    Also can use for cleaning the idolsin the Pooja room.

    This Devara vastra is made of pure cotton in Red colour.


  • Flora Devara Vastra Cotton(WHITE)


    Flora Devara Vastra Cotton(WHITE)

    For daily Pooja, Devara Vastra is needed in the first place to clean the alter/pooja stage/mantap. Then start the pooja.

    Also can use for cleaning the idols in the Pooja room.

    This Devara vastra is made of pure cotton White.

  • SAMPLE- Hurida Avalakki Chewda (Fried Poha Chewda) (50G)


    Featuring the combination of Heated Poha & 13 other divine ingredients, the Hurida Avalakki Chewada is a flaky, crispy, & crunchy gastronomic delight.In every bite, you get a welcoming punch of its enthralling flavors, taste & texture.It’s the perfect fuss-free dish to accompany any meal. Scooping a spoonful into your mouth will make you say “ummmmmm….”

    Buy the Sample at just Rs.40/- .

    Comes in the pouch of 50g.

  • SAMPLE- Avalakki (Yellow) (Flattened Rice)Pohe ka Chewda (50g)


    Avalakki or Flattened rice is a flaky delight, the thickness of which varies between almost translucently thin to nearly 4X thinner than a normal rice grain.When added to any edible liquid (like milk, water, etc) they absorb it to swell-up in size.Addition of tumeric powder gives it an explicit yellowish colour.

    Buy the Sample at just Rs.40/- .

    Comes in the pouch of 50g.

  • SAMPLE-Avalakki (Red) (Flattened Rice)Pohe Ka Chewda (50g)


    Avalakki or Flattened rice is a flaky delight, the thickness of which varies between almost translucently thin to nearly 4X thinner than a normal rice grain.When added to any edible liquid (like milk, water, etc) they absorb it to swell-up in size.It’s distinct red color is due to the presence of chilli powder.

    Buy the Sample at just Rs.40/- .

    Comes in the pouch of 50g.

  • Shri Vishnu Sahasranaama Stotram(Book)


    Shri Vishnu Sahasranaama Stotram book is one of the best spiritual books. All wishes are fulfilled by taking this book with true devotion on and distributing these books to everyone irrespective of the Age or state.

    This particular Stotra has its own benefits like –

    Increasing Memory power, Pronunciation, Increasing Self Confidence, Power to face the challenges with more determination & the list goes on.


    Flora Foods is here to introduce this book with the following contents.

    Shri Vishnu Sahasranaama Stotram

    Shri Vishnu Sahasra Naamaavali

    Shri Vishnu Ashtaavimshatinaamam

    Shri Vishnu Ashtottara Shatanaamaavali

    Shri Vishnoho Shodashanaama Stotram

    Get ordering!!! & be benefitted with Samruddhi, Shanti & Santrupti. (Prosperity, Peace & Satisfaction)

    NOTE : 1 Book

  • Sateeka Shri Ramaraksha Stotra (Book)


    Shri Rama Raksha Stotra is a Sanskrit stotra, hymn of praise dedicated to Rama, used as a prayer for protection. The composer of the Rama Raksha Stotra was Budha Kaushika, which is said to be another name of Brahmarshi Vishvamitra.

    Reciting it can provide mental strength to a person, by making him feel fearless,” he says. This is a siddha stotra for complete protection of body and when read 1,300 times, it can destroy all dangers that a person may be facing.

    Flora Foods is here to introduce this book  to let All get benefitted by chanting the same and be protected by our Beloved Lord Rama.

    Get ordering!

    NOTE : 1 Book

  • Janivara(Yajnopaveeta)Janeu -Set of 5(6Ply)


    Janivara(Yajnopaveeta) is a sacred thread worn in Upanayana or Munjvi. Usually worn by Brahmins, Vaishyas and Kshatriyas. It is a significance of the spiritual maturity that is made worn by the boys of 6-8yrs and above with the ritual of Upanayana. It also signifies the second spiritual birth of the Vatu (DWIJA)

    It comes in 2 types – 1. 3ply Janivara, 2. 6ply Janivara.

    3 Ply Janivara is worn by Brahmachari’s(Bachelors)and 6 Ply is worn in the marriage.

    Flora Foods is giving hand made Pure cotton Janivara(Yajnopaveeta).

    Get ordering!

    NOTE : Comes in Packet of 5

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