Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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  • Multi Millet Chutney Pudi (Siri Dhanya Chutneypudi)


    When Siri Dhanya (Multi millets) are coarsely ground, roasted over a low heat & married in the presence of other ingredients (like groundnuts, tamarind, jaggery, white til, vadakalu etc) the result is a tongue-tickling treat of heavenliness, A unique health burst Chutney Pudi.

    This classic is made using premium & super-fresh ingredients (devoid of preservatives & additives) to provide you with an authentic homemade taste with nutrilicious Siri dhanya like Navane, Oodhalu, Korale, Baragu, Sajje. This way there is a healthy combination of multimillets with a quiver of health benefits. Flora Foods always tries to expand the way of heathy consumption of millets in a tastier way, also an easy option to incorporate the goodness in your every meal.

    Enjoy its nostalgic flavor by smearing it on Flora Jowar & Bajra Rotti, Chapati, Parantha, Idli, Dosa, etc.

    Adding a spoonful of this powder onto your plate makes every meal memorable.

    Don’t wait to….

    Order Healthy! Eat Healthy!! & Be Healthy!!!

  • Naga – Panchami Combo!


    Stock up on Combo Packs: Stock up on Naga Panchami Combo  : Buy Combo of  Aralu, Avalakki (Red), Avalakki (Yellow), Butter Chakli, Thambittu, Buy NOW and Save Money! Best value for money at FloraFoods. Healthy  Products offered as a Money-Saver Pack. Buy NOW and Save Money & Enjoy!

  • Naga Chouti Combo


    Naga chouti  Combo consists of:

    Stock up on Combo Packs: Stock up on Naga Chouti Combo  : Buy Combo of  Pedha,  Avalakki (Red), Avalakki (Yellow), Butter Chakli, Thambittu, Buy NOW and Save Money! Best value for money at FloraFoods. Healthy  Products offered as a Money-Saver Pack. Buy NOW and Save Money & Enjoy!

  • Navaratri Combo !


    Navaratri Special Combo for that perfect assortment of wonderful products from the house of FloraFoods, at a great price and tremendous value!

    A limited period offer for Navaratri, just to make Your Festival Special!

    The Navaratri  Special Combo consists of these items :-

    1. Masala Ghate -250gms
    2. Sev Mixture -250gms
    3. Round Chakli-500gms
    4. Besan Laddu -500gms
  • Navaratri Upawasa Combo


    Navaratri Upawasa Special Combo for that perfect assortment of wonderful products from the house of FloraFoods, at a great price and tremendous value!

    A limited period offer for Navaratri, just to make Your Festival Fast A Feast !

    The Navaratri Upawasa Combo consists of these items :-

    1. Aralittu -500 g
    2. Varai Akki-500 g
    3. Sabudani-Big-500 g
    4. Shenga Undi-500 g
    5. Banana Chips-Yellow-250g
    6. Sabudani Chewda -250g
  • NET BASKET of Arishina-Kunkuma Packet(Decorative)-Set of 25


    Arishina-Kunkuma Packet/Small packet of Haldi-Kunkum is given with tambool in Marriages & Upanayanas almost all traditional celebrations/occasions etc.

    Arishina-Kunkuma Packets/Small packets of Haldi-Kunkum have changed in their forms from older simpler version to fancy decorative version.

    These packets have many variants depending on their type of make, the fancy materials used, shape, grandeur etc.

    Get ordering NET BASKET of Arishina-Kunkuma for all your occasions.

    NOTE : Comes in SET of 25 Packets.

    Bulk Orders have to be placed Well in Advance about 15 days… Preparation needs time.

  • Nippattu/Nipattu (Fried)


    Nippattu/Nipattu is a popular addictive snack of South India. Looks like small papads that are crisp fried. Prepared with Rice flour with Jeera, Dal in-between. The Crunchy Nippattu with a crackle of dal inbetween makes it more tastier and addictive.

    Enjoy Nippattu as a tea time snack or anytime munch .

    ORDER NOW!!!

    Comes in pack of 300g with 15-17 pieces.

  • Nitya Upaasana(Book) – Kannada


    Nitya Upaasana book is the one containing Nitya Prarthana Shloka Mantra meaning the regular & daily shloka or prayers concerned to each & every activity of daily routine. It is related to the Vedic chanting’s from Sunrise to Sunset.  Very good intellectual gift for every age group who can read.

    The Shloka’s have its own benefits like –

    Increasing Memory power, Pronunciation, Increasing Self Confidence, Power to face the challenges with more determination & the list goes on.


    Flora Foods is here to introduce this book with the following contents.

    Nitya Prarthana Shloka  Mantra – The chantings to fulfill your wishlist

    Nitya Nema Stotra – Thestotras to be chanted from Sunday to Saturday

    Nitya Sanskaara Paatha – Shlokas teaching Hindu Culture and Tradition

    Get ordering!!! & be benefitted with Samruddhi, Shanti & Santrupti. (Prosperity, Peace & Satisfaction)

    NOTE : 1 Book

  • Onion Sandige (Eerulli Sandige) Pyaj ke Fryums


    Onion Sandige (Eerulli Sandige) Pyaj ke Fryums are a unique fryums that Flora Foods is introducing to its catalogue. People make these Fryums and store them in a dry place during summer and eat them almost daily throughout the entire year. This goes well with any kind of rice, roti and chapati. It looks grand and tastes awesome. It is a great accompaniment as a side food, to the main course.

    As it is made up of Eerulli(Onion), it is feathery light, embracingly expansive when deep fried with onion flavour.

    Enjoy the tasty, crunchy Eerulli Sandige (Onion Fryums) with all the menus or as evening snack with Tea/Coffee.

    Come up Onion Lovers!! Explore the tastiest onion Sandige!!!
    Comes in a pack of 400g.
    1 Pack – 400g

  • OVAL Pyale of Arishina-Kunkuma Tatte-(Decorative)-Set of 2


    OVAL Pyale of Arishina-Kunkuma Tatte-(Decorative) is given with tambool in Marriages & Upanayanas almost all traditional celebrations/occasions etc.

    Pyale of Arishina-Kunkuma packets have changed in their forms from older simpler version to fancy decorative version.

    These decorative Arishina Kunkuma set have many variants depending on their type of make, the fancy materials used, shape, grandeur etc.

    Comes in different vibrant colours. Can be ordered for giving return gifts in traditional ceremonies.

    Get ordering Pyale of Arishina-Kunkuma Tatte-OVAL(Decorative) for all your occasions.

    NOTE : Comes in SET of 2.

    Bulk Orders have to be placed Well in Advance about 15 days… Preparation needs time.

  • Pandavaru-Wooden Statues

    Pandavaru-Wooden Statues
    It is practice in North Karnataka to worship Pandavas on Kartika Purnima; as on the same day, Pandava’s defeated Kauravas in Mahabhaarat war.Hence, All five Pandava’s with Lord Krishna is worshipped on this day to get blessed with kids like Pandavas. It is a tradition followed to do pooja of The FIVE. The Pandavas are made with Cow dung or now a days wooden statues are available for the same.

    Now Flora Foods is providing Pandavaru-Wooden Statues to worship & get blessings of Lord Krishna & Pandavas.

    Get ordering!!!

    NOTE : Comes in the form of a Single Platform with Five Wooden Towers representing the Pandavas.

  • Parijaata Hoobatti (5Petal/blade Paarijaata Wicks) – Set of 10 Battis


    Parijaata Hoobatti (5Petal/blade Paarijaata Wicks) are an artistic, traditional battis used for Pooja.

    This batti comprises of 5 dala/yele giving shape of Paarijaata Flower with a stiff wick. 1 Parijaata Hoobatti of 5 blades looks so full and beautiful. Parijaata flower is favourite of Shri Krishna & Lakshmidevi. It has to be dipped in ghee before lighting. It can be lit at home or temples. It is auspicious to be lit on festival days. This Parijaata battis look very beautiful when lit.

    These particular battis can be used during Adhika Maasa(Leap year) to offer & get blessings.

    Flora Foods is giving hand made Parijaata Hoobatti (5Petal/blade Paarijaata Wicks)These are prepared by skilled women of all age groups with love and devotion. They prepare them while listening to Pravachanas or singing bhajans.

    Get the devotional touch and feel with Flora battis to make your pooja special.

    Get ordering!

    NOTE : Comes in a set of  10 Parijaata Hoobattis.

  • Pranati/Panati/Earthen Clay Diya-BIG-(Set of 5 Diyas)

    Deepawali is a festival of Lights.
    Different types, shapes and colours of Pranati’s/Diya’s make Deepawali more bright.

    Hence, Flora Foods is providing attractive Pranati’s to celebrate your Deepawali with happiness and more lights. 

    Come…Let’s encourage our Artisans for their Art and fill their Heart with Lights of Happiness this time.

    Get ordering!!!

    NOTE : Comes in the form of a Set of 5 of BIG Pranatis with variant Colour combinations and designs depending on the availability. NOT SAME IN DESIGHN and COLOUR.

  • Pranati/Panati/Earthen Clay Diya-BIG-Pair

    Deepawali is a festival of Lights.
    Different types, shapes and colours of Pranati’s/Diya’s make Deepawali more bright.

    Hence, Flora Foods is providing attractive Pranati’s to celebrate your Deepawali with happiness and more lights.

    Come…Let’s encourage our Artisans for their Art and fill their Heart with Lights of Happiness this time.

    Get ordering!!!

    NOTE : Comes in the form of a Single Pair of BIG Pranati with variant Colour combinations and designs depending on the availability.

  • Pranati/Panati/Earthen Clay Diya-SMALL-(Set of 6 Diyas)

    Deepawali is a festival of Lights.
    Different types, shapes and colours of Pranati’s/Diya’s make Deepawali more bright.

    Hence, Flora Foods is providing attractive Pranati’s to celebrate your Deepawali with happiness and more lights. 

    Come…Let’s encourage our Artisans for their Art and fill their Heart with Lights of Happiness this time.

    Get ordering!!!

    NOTE : Comes in the form of a Set of 6 of BIG Pranatis with variant Colour combinations and designs depending on the availability. NOT SAME IN DESIGHN and COLOUR.

  • Puthani Hittu/Puffed Bengal gram dal flour/Phutana dal flour -1 Kg


    Flora Special value added product category has one more in its quiver i.e., Puthani Hittu/Puffed Bengal gram dal flour/Phutana dal flour.

    The rare flour has versatile uses like famous Thambittu Undi/Laddu that is prepared for Nag Panchami. This powder or flour can also be used as thickening agent for some curries, gravies, for chutneypudis.

    Try your cooking art with Flora Puthani Hittu & taste the tastiest.

    COME ONN & Order!!!

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