Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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OVAL Pyale of Arishina-Kunkuma Tatte-(Decorative) is given with tambool in Marriages & Upanayanas almost all traditional celebrations/occasions etc.

Pyale of Arishina-Kunkuma packets have changed in their forms from older simpler version to fancy decorative version.

These decorative Arishina Kunkuma set have many variants depending on their type of make, the fancy materials used, shape, grandeur etc.

Comes in different vibrant colours. Can be ordered for giving return gifts in traditional ceremonies.

Get ordering Pyale of Arishina-Kunkuma Tatte-OVAL(Decorative) for all your occasions.

NOTE : Comes in SET of 2.

Bulk Orders have to be placed Well in Advance about 15 days… Preparation needs time.

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