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Trikaala Sandhya Vandanam book is the one whole guide for performing Sandhya Vandane that is a spiritual Hindu practice done thrice a day by Brahmin, Kshatriya & Vaishya after Upanayana/Brahmopadesha.

Sandhyā Vandanam prepares an individual and qualifies him to receive the knowledge contained in vedas. Doing Sandhyā Vandanam first creates the eligibility for a brāhmin to do all rituals following it. Rituals done without doing Sandhyā Vandanam is regarded as fruitless by Dharma śāstras.

The benefits like –

Increasing Memory power, Pronunciation, Increasing Self Confidence, Power to face the challenges with more determination & the list goes on.

Flora Foods is here to introduce this book for the beginners, for presenting to Vatus or to know the schedule , the way it has to be performed, The Mantras to be chanted, everything is in detail & easy understanding way .

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