Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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If you’re someone who enjoys the crunchy sound of groundnuts in every bite, the Shenga Laddu has your name written all over it.

It comfortably & deservingly holds the title of being the most popular sweet snack in North Karnataka.

Mildly sweet, this snack can grace any occasion – be it festivals, weddings, or parties.

Also, due to its wholesomeness, it is often consumed during Upwas (fasting).

This delectable ball of crunchiness comes generously loaded with nutrients & hence is the perfect snack for growing kids.

Order now.

It will become a favourite of yours for sure.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


Shenga (Groundnuts), Jaggery, Til, Cardamom, Pure Butter extracted Ghee (small quantity),Badam,Walnut,Pista

Shelf Life & Storage Care

Shelf Life: 15 – 20 days

Storage Care: Keep Airtight

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