Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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Known for its impressive tangy, spicy, sweet & crunchy flavor, the Mavinkayi Gojju/chutney  is a tasty treat to your tongue. You can make Mavinkayi Gojju Anna or can also use is as a chutney with Roti, Chapati, Rotti, Dosa etc., as it is sweet & sour in taste.

It pairs well with happala (papad), chutney, curds & even chips.

At Flora Foods, we prepare this Mavinkayi gojju with fresh pulp in the season in a traditional manner with the right proportion of premium spices & ingredients (devoid of preservatives, additives & artificial colors) to ensure an irresistible taste you’d happily return for again & again. Instead of turmeric powder, we have used fresh Turmeric root. You can feel the tinge of turmeric flavour & colour.

Buy the Sample at just Rs.25/- .

Comes in the pouch of 20g.

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