Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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Guntur Dry Red chilli(Guntur Lalmirch) is one of the specialty in chilly variety. It is known for its perfect taste and spice. The Guntur Chilli powder is more spicy/hot than Byagdagi Chilli. The spiciness makes it more favourable to be used in many masala preparations. Whenever we use this chilli powder for any recipe, the masala required is less as the spicyness of the masala should be balanced with the hotness of this Guntur chilli Powder. It is one of the ‘must add’ ingredient in almost all masalas for its spiciness.

Buy the Sample at just Rs.25/- .

Comes in the pouch of 20g.

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