Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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If you’re someone who is health-conscious but doesn’t want to compromise on your sweet tooth, our Immunity Booster Laddu is the perfect guilt-free indulgence for you.

This delicious ball of goodness is healthy & nutritious giving you strength, energy, & immunity.

Just one Laddu for breakfast will fill you up & meet your daily nutritional requirements.

Alternatively, you can enjoy this Laddu as a delicious dessert post meals with your family.

Devoid of artificial flavors & preservatives, we make them in small-batches sourcing the freshest of ingredients.

So order right away to get health as a bonus along with taste & texture

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


Peanut, White Til, Oats, Gurellu, Jowar Flour, Pumpkin Seeds, Almond, Edible Gum (Antu), Cashew, Pista, Walnut (Akrot), Pure Ghee, Jaggery,Badam,

Shelf Life & Storage Care

Shelf Life: 1 Month

Storage Care: Keep Airtight

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