Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

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  • Tamarind Treat Combo


    Stock up on Combo Packs: Stock up on Tamarind Products: Buy Combo of Tamarind and Tamarind Tokku. Tamarind Treat. Buy NOW and Save Money! Best value for money at FloraFoods. Delicious Products offered as a Money-Saver Pack. Buy NOW and Save Money!

  • Super Spicy Combo



    Buy Ranjaka, Tokku, Kanchikayi Uppinkai & Nellikayi Uppinkai combo that fires up your taste buds & also save money.

  • Hunasehannu (Tamarind) – Fresh


    Having a sweet, tart, tangy & slightly sour taste, our deseeded Tamarinds are 100% natural, fresh & sourced from the best of the best Tamarind trees.

    Due to its distinct & tongue-tickling flavor profile, the Tamarind is often added as a character-boosting ingredient in a variety of dishes – like curries, chutneys, pickles, sauces, etc.

    It is loaded with tartaric acid – a powerful antioxidant that fights cancer-causing radicals.

    Additionally, this wildly popular fruit has a whole bunch of nutritional benefits – it is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, Iron, Potassium, Minerals, Magnesium, etc.

    A mouth-watering meal is created every time it is added as an ingredient.

    Order Now.

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