Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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  • Jave Godhi Rava (Long Wheat Semolina) Jav Gehu Ki Sooji


    Our Jave Godhi Rava (Long Wheat semolina)Jav Gehu Ki Sooji is a powerhouse of nutrition, proteins & natural fibers made without any chemicals, preservatives, or additives.

    We thoroughly clean, process & pack the grains with utmost care to ensure the highest quality & freshness. It is a super-healthy alternative to white rice, normal wheat rava & other refined grains.

    With this versatile ingredient, you can provide a wholesome meal to your entire family.

    Use it to prepare upma, Shira, Porridge etc.

    There is a multitude of health & nutritional benefits to the Jave Godhi(Jav Gehu Ki Sooji) – it boosts digestion, improves immunity, strengthens bones, regulates blood glucose levels, & is loaded with zinc, magnesium & vitamin B3.
    Ideal fordiabetic,old aged people to suffice the hunger as it is easy to digest.

    Invest in your health by ordering now.

  • Kesari Rava/Sooji/Wheat Semolina


    Kesari rava(Biproduct of Wheat )is a finer version, Sooji or other Rava are of little coarser version.

    Kesari Rava is used in preparing Upma, Kheer, Kesari bhath, Shira, Pancakes, Halwa.

    It is usually used for making popular Sweet dish-Kesari Bhat(shira) with dry fruits, food colour like Orange, ghee & Sugar or Jaggery. Hence it is called as Kesari rava.

    FloraFoods gives you the roasted Kesari Rava to facilitate you for the quick recipes like Upama & Kesari Bhat.

    Order Now & save your time to serve the best!!!


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