Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

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  • Mekke Jolada Hittu (Maize Flour) -1 KG


    A powerhouse of energy, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals & nutrients, our Mekke JoLada Hittu (Maize Flour) is authentically prepared by grinding dried maize to perfection.

    Since Maize meal doesn’t contain gluten, it can be used as a substitute for wheat flour to prepare cornbread & other baked products.

    There is a multitude of health & nutritional benefits to the Maize Flour – it aids digestion, lowers LDL cholesterol, promotes the production of red blood cells, remits the risk of anemia, & is generously loaded with folic acid, iron & vitamin B12.

    We thoroughly clean, husk, process & pack it with utmost care to ensure the highest quality & freshness.

    Invest in your health by ordering now.
    Comes in 1 Kg packet.

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