Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

Phone : 7829412092 & 9019750945

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  • HaalaDike Holu (Betelnut Raw Big Pieces)/Supari


    Our Raw (Kaccha Supari) Betel Nuts also known as HaalaDike(Supari) are 100% natural seeds that are sourced directly from the best of the best areca palm trees in Karnataka.

    They are sliced (into big pieces), unflavoured, not roasted & have an authentic taste.

    You can sweeten them to your taste or consume them straight away as a mouth freshener.

    In India & many other parts of Asia, the betel nuts are paired with betel leaves & chewed on this combo post meals.

    It boosts the flow of saliva, aids digestion & helps increase your appetite.

    This tradition, custom, or ritual of sorts dates back thousands of years.

    Order now. .

  • Haaladike Pudi/Betelnut Raw/Supari(Small pieces)


    Our Raw (Kaccha) Betel Nuts/Supari also known as Haaladike are 100% natural seeds that are sourced directly from the best of the best areca palm trees in Karnataka. They are sliced, unflavoured, not roasted & have an authentic taste. You can sweeten them to your taste or consume them straight away as a mouth freshener. In India & many other parts of Asia, the betel nuts are paired with betel leaves & chewed on this combo post meals. It boosts the flow of saliva, aids digestion & helps increase your appetite. This tradition, custom, or ritual of sorts dates back thousands of years. Order now.

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