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  • Challagaayi Mango Mix Uppinkai (Clammy Cherry / Indian Cherry with Raw Mango Pickle)


    This delicious and mouth-watering Challa-kaayi-Maavinkayi Pickle (Clammy Cherry/Indian Cherry with Raw Mango Pickle) is a must tasty dish!

    A very tasty duo of Challagaayi & Mango fills mouth with challagayi taste embedded in Mango flavour.

    The pickle has 1:1 proportion of Challagaayi & Mango. The pickle is prepared in a Gujarati traditional way cured in the sunlight. Enjoy the chatpata taste of the rare seasonal pickle at Flora Foods.

    Order the special taste of Gujarat & enjoy with Rice, Chapati, Roti, Dosa etc.

    Clammy Cherry has many health benefits:

    • Fruits can be used as an expectorant, for coughs and for lung diseases.
    • Decoction of the stem bark is taken for dyspepsia, diarrhea, dysentery fever, headache, stomach-ache, and as a tonic.
    • Externally, the moistened bark is maturative when applied to boils, swellings and tumors.
    • It is applied to ulcers in the mouth in the form of a gargle or as a powder.
    • Teeth are rubbed with the bark to strengthen them.
    • Juice of the leaves is also considered cooling, and is applied as a poultice to treat migraine, inflammation and swellings.
    • Powdered seeds or the fresh fruits are applied to skin eruptions and gonorrhea.
    • Fruit is very mucilaginous and highly esteemed for coughs and diseases of the chest, the uterus and the urethra.


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