Dharwad, Karnataka-580007

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  • Vadakalu Chutney Pudi (Mixed Dal Chutney Powder)


    When Channa Dal & Urad Dal are coarsely ground, roasted over a low heat & married in the presence on other ingredients (like groundnuts, tamarind, jaggery, white til, etc) the result is a tongue-tickling treat of heavenliness, Also known as the Vadakalu (Mixed Dal) Chutney Pudi.

    This cult-classic is made using premium & super-fresh ingredients (devoid of preservatives & additives) to provide you with an authentic homemade taste.

    Enjoy its nostalgic flavor by smearing it on Jowar & Bajra Rotti, Chapati, Parantha, Idli, Dosa, etc.

    Alternatively, use it to thicken your curries/gravies.

    Adding a spoonful of this powder onto your plate makes every meal memorable.

    Order now.

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