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  • Ranjaka (Red Chilli Chutney)Taaze Lalmirch Ki Chutney – Without Garlic(Lahasun virahit)


    Rajanka(Taaze Lalmirch Ki Chutney) – Without Garlic(Lahasun virahit) is wildly popular in almost every North Karnataka household & goes perfectly well with the Jolada Rotti.

    Alternatively, this extremely spicy lip-smacking delicacy can be enjoyed by smearing it on a chapati/dosa, or with steamed rice.

    The Byadgi Red Chilli is the showstopper ingredient giving it its distinctive flavor.

    Laced with the chili heat, the Rajanka(Taaze Lalmirch Ki Chutney – Without Garlic(Lahasun virahit) packs an impressionable flavor – making this a mouth-watering dish you simply cannot afford to miss out on!

    Similar to pickles/thokku, it is prepared & stored in the refrigerator.

    If you love pickles, this jar will surely be licked clean! That’s for sure 🙂

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